I am done with school for the summer, so my brain can rest.
I told my son the other day that there is no reason why he can't remember stuff he learns in school when he can remember the name of every gun he sees on Call of Duty.
This goes that same for me, I can remember fights, Martial Art styles, and a vast number of techniques I learned years ago, but ask me about Pavlov's Dogs or factoring and I am lost.
My son told me that he likes Call of Duty, that is why he remembers that information. This is true for me also, I remember what I am interested in; but I told him that this proves that he can do it when focused and right now it is important he remembers.
This reminded me of one of my first instructors asking me why I never practiced the knife hand strike with the rest of the class. I told him it was because I didn't like that technique and wasn't good at it. He smacked me on my head and told me that we can't just practice the techniques we are good at/like or we will never grow as Martial Artists. This proved true when the only technique that stopped a better black belt from making me apart of the brick wall was a knife hand to the throat. After the fight was over, my instructor came over to me and smacked me on the head and said "See, I told you that you needed that move!". I wish he could go to school with me.
I'm going to start smacking my son on the head...