Earlier this week I was feeling tired from the hour change and sitting
in Atlanta area traffic as usual. I started to think how traffic is a
lot like life. When it is moving smoothly and light with no issues, I
get to work/home at a decent time and I am happy. On other days
however, it can be so hectic that it really beats me down. For instance,
the other day traffic was pretty heavy and it seemed that no matter
which lane I was in, the other lanes were moving faster. I would try to
switch lanes, but it would take me so long because no one would let me
in. When I finally get over, the lane I am in stops moving and the lane
I was just in starts moving quickly. It happened every time no matter
which lane I was in. I have felt like that before, no matter what I
did, it didn't go well. I would try different things, things that
others were doing, but had no luck. I know that everyone has days like
this and feels this way at times and I normally try to keep my head up,
but at times it is hard. Life can be cruel and kick you when you are
down, but maybe there is a reason. The other day it was raining, so the
Atlanta metro area goes into panic mode and the roads become parking
lots. I was tired and frustrated, so I wanted to switch lanes early,
sometimes it's all about the timing. As I was about to switch, the car
in front of me cut me off and almost caused an accident. After showing
him how proficient I am in sign language, I decided to just go with the
flow and take my time. I put on some Smokey Robinson (very good for
easing driving frustration) and sang along. All of a sudden a tractor
trailer started to move over and hit the car that had cut me off. I
started to think that had I been the car to get that spot instead of the
car that cut me off, I could have been the car to get hit. It made me
think about past things in my life that I had not been happy with, like
why I took this job so many years ago or why I dated that crazy girl and
it all seemed to lead me to my family and where I am not. Had I not
dated that girl I would not have taken the job, and if I didn't work at
this job (back in NJ) I would never have met my wife and not have the
great kids that I have. I would have never moved to San Antonio, TX and
made the great friends that I did or learn the BJJ/MMA that I did or
moved to GA where my wife started College. I was able to piece together
a lot of things that seemed bad at the time, but had reason. So my life
is kind of like traffic. So I have decided to go with the flow, good or
bad; and take it as it comes. Getting up a little earlier doesn't hurt either! ;)
Have a safe journey.