I swam 14 laps at lunch and then at night I did the following:
Warm up:
Wheel barrels - stretch
Back - 4 sets (1 set using gi) of pull ups x 6 reps
Grip - 2 sets forearm rolls x 2 reps up and down
3 sets hex dumbbell holds for time
3 round circuit of the following:
Static jumps - 10 reps
Mountain climbers with hands on stability ball - 10 reps
Sprawls - 10 reps
Medicine ball slams - 10 reps
Jump squats - 10 reps
Dumbbell swings - 10 reps
Jump pull ups - 10 reps
2 rounds focus mitts
3 rounds counter punching
Stretch - Shake - Shower
Have a safe journey.
Nice workout! Are you doing these consectively for time or resting in between?
Also what is the "Shake" in Stretch-Shake-Shower. Protein shake?
The pull ups and grip exercises are done as regular sets. The other exercises are done like as a circuit, 10 reps of each, no rest in between each, then a short rest before repeating. The idea is to time yourself, so you must do each exercise as quickly as you can, but still with good form, and then try to beat or at least stay around the same time in the next rounds.
Yes, it is a protein shake.
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