Warm up - 3 mins jump rope - stretch
Chest - 5 sets of bench press x 5 reps -
Multi joint - 3 sets of clean & press x 5 reps
Back/shoulders - 3 super sets of weighted pull ups x 5 reps & Dumbbell press x 5 reps
Traps - 4 sets of bar shrugs x 5 reps
Legs - 3 sets of walking lunges X 32'
Bis - 4 sets of bar curls x 5 reps
Stretch - shake - shower
I swam 15 laps at lunch and at night I did:
Warm up:
3 mins agility ladder feet - stretch
Grip: - 3 sets of hanging gi holds for time
2 sets of Plate rolls x 2 reps up and down
2 round circuit for time of the following:
Push up - 10 reps
Static jumps - 10 reps
Mountain climbers with hands on stability ball - 10 reps
Sprawls - 10 reps
Medicine ball slams - 10 reps
Jump squats - 10 reps
Dumbbell swings - 10 reps
Jump pull ups - 10 reps
3 min focus mitts
3 min spar
3 min escaping side control
3 min defending back
Stretch - protein shake - shower
Have a safe journey.

Is that Bateista (sp?) in the bottom pic?
Yes, from WWE. He is also a Martial Artist.
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