Today I swam 15 laps at lunch and then worked out with Tim in the evening. I am very impressed with the improvements he has made with his hands in a short time.
Warm up:
Pyramid of 3 body weight exercises: Push ups, pull ups, squats
1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1 - Reps of each without rest in between
3 mins jump rope
3 rounds of Static holds for 30 secs each of the following with not rest in between:
Hanging from bar -
Dip hold -
Leg raise hold -
Wall squat -
10 reps of 100lb heavy bag end over end flip
20 Thai kicks each leg
Focus mitts:
3 min - combos with pulls/counters
3 mins - combos with rolls/counters
3 mins - combos with counters to body punches
Stretch - protein shake - shower
Have a safe journey.
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