"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly." - Siddartha Guatama Buddha

Wow, school has been kicking my butt! Now I know why my kids try to stay home from school every day.
Two Monday's ago, while warming up with clinch/take downs no gi, my training partner dropped his weight on the top of my head as I was using my head to push forward. I heard/felt a crunch in my neck and my ear popped, so I abandoned the move, but kept on working out. It's two weeks later and I still have some pain.
On Sunday I was training with my brother in-law and two of our friends. I did well with gi, then moved to no gi. I got caught in a guillotine, which I normally do well defending against, but not this time. As I was pulling on his wrist, one of his knuckles went behind my throat, so I tapped and screamed like at baby! It hurt to talk after and still hurts now. One of my friends said I was getting old...
The good thing is that it did help me to work some moves out in my head, so I don't get caught any more.