Wow, school has been kicking my butt! Now I know why my kids try to stay home from school every day.
Two Monday's ago, while warming up with clinch/take downs no gi, my training partner dropped his weight on the top of my head as I was using my head to push forward. I heard/felt a crunch in my neck and my ear popped, so I abandoned the move, but kept on working out. It's two weeks later and I still have some pain.
On Sunday I was training with my brother in-law and two of our friends. I did well with gi, then moved to no gi. I got caught in a guillotine, which I normally do well defending against, but not this time. As I was pulling on his wrist, one of his knuckles went behind my throat, so I tapped and screamed like at baby! It hurt to talk after and still hurts now. One of my friends said I was getting old...
The good thing is that it did help me to work some moves out in my head, so I don't get caught any more.
I like your quote because sometimes I do find myself "mourning for the past", wishing that I had started this years ago. I feel like I'm running out of time, but I guess all I really have is the present. Getting old sucks!
We are like wine, you and I; we get better with age...
I like the sound of that, but I think I am more of a whiskey ;)
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