While visiting NJ last week, I was able to workout with my nephew and some old friends; including my old Japanese Jiu jitsu instructor. We all got together at my one friend's MA school.
I did well with the warm up, focus mitts, take downs, and grappling. I was able to show the group some BJJ techniques. Years ago I was mainly a stand up fighter and always struggled on the ground.
Almost 6 years ago while living in San Antonio TX, I decided to remedy this by taking up Brazilian Jiu Jitsu under 4 stripe Black Belt Luiz Sergio "Marra" Corrêa. I have since moved to GA and have studied and learned under other instructors. I'm not the best, but I have some respectable skills.
My old JJJ instructor reminded me that it is possible to end a fight standing up as he proceeded to humble me in a kick boxing match and drop me with repeated kicks to the body.
This incident has inspired me to become more well rounded again (I have been neglecting my kicks) and work out even harder. Thank you!
Funny you wrote this. I just started back standup sparring myself.
Hope you did better than me.
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