The Power of Perception
by Kevin Kearns
Everything has energy, especially thoughts. I have validated this in my life - time after time. As a result, I am now very cognizant about how I direct my thoughts to achieve more favorable outcomes.
Nothing is as bad as you think it is. No storm in your life lasts forever, as built into every storm is a measure of calm waiting to take over. Put your mind in a position to see through negative impulses as just being slight detours.
Positive thinking can make a tangible difference in our lives. An article in Psychology Today magazine a few years ago took 2 groups of employees from 2 different hotels in Boston and performed various health data measurements. Employees in Group 1 were told what they were doing daily for work fulfilled the requirement for daily exercise. With Group 2 they did not tell them anything.
The researchers checked back 8 weeks later. Group 1 had lowered their body mass index, lowered their blood pressure and some where even coming off of medications. Group 2 showed no changes at all. This research indicated that promoting the perception of exercise had an overall impact on wellness.
What does that mean for you? It means rather than just thinking you are busy and running around in your daily life, align your thoughts with "everything I am doing today will keep me fit."
This is a powerful message to all of us, who think that we rigidly have to do x, y and z to exercise and stay healthy. If you move your mind in the right direction, you will improve your body.
1 comment:
That's a great article, it got me from the first line. Also, I totally love the picture :)
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