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I'm a father, I'm a husband, I'm a child, I'm a brother, I'm a sinner, I'm a saint, I'm a fighter, I'm a lover, I'm a student, I'm a teacher,

Monday, February 22, 2010

Mon 2/22/10

"Striving for success without hard work is like trying to harvest where you haven't planted” - David Bly

Tim did some hard rolling and sparring with me, Seth, and Dan on Sun. This is what we did today:

Warm up: 3 mins agility ladder - stretch

Workout: Four 3 min rounds, 6 exercises 30 sec each (extra 30 secs on 4th round, don't tell Tim), 1 min rest between rounds

Round 1-

Sprawls - on stability ball
Shoots - bungee
Scrambles on bag
Medicine Ball slams on bag
Push ups on bag
Heavy bag - work punches, knees, and elbows on stand up bag-
Rest 60 sec

Round 2-

Burpees -
Ball Slams on floor -
Knees on heavy bag -
Hand walks with feet on stability ball -
Clinch -
Heavy bag - work punches, knees, elbows, shoots, and sprawls on a stand up bag-
rest 60 sec

Round 3

Shoots with partner lift -
Technical stand up -
Clinch with partner -
Bear crawls -
Shoots with bungee -
Bag -

Round 4

Treadmill - 30 secs -
Jump squats - 30 sec -
Treadmill - 30 sec
Run in place holding medicine ball -
Treadmill - 30 secs
Sprawls - 30 secs
Treadmill - 30 secs
rest 2 mins

3 min drills:

Focus mitts with take downs -
Clinch -
Wall clinch with body strikes using body shield -

Worked ground - posture, safety position, defend subs (arm bar, triangle, umaplata, Kamura), stand up, stack-
Subs from top - head & arm choke, Americana, Barb wire, Darce
Defending while in half guard

Cool down:

Duck walks - Stretch

Have a safe journey

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