"I have always adhered to two principles: The first one is to train hard and get in the best possible physical condition, the second is to forget all about the other fellow until you face him in the ring and the bell sounds for the fight." - Rocky Marciano
I didn't swim today and had a really bad tooth ache (sucked). I did get to work BJJ gi with a fellow blue belt. To warm up I ran on the treadmill for 5 mins at a pretty decent pace (7.2) for me. I normally only run when being chased.
We went over half guard because he said he has been having trouble with it. My thought was because he is not up on his bottom elbow, so he gets flattened easily. I showed him how to post up and move in, out, around, and under and how to use his other arm to frame. From there we went over two simple sweep concepts depending on where his opponents weight is, getting back to his knees, and taking the back.
Then we went over a couple of things I have been working on:
I normally do well against him, controling and submitting, but he is a big guy so my technique has to be good or he can be tiring.
I did well against him, but a little tired from the run.
He caught me in a triangle choke/arm bar combo when I did something stupid. I was going to pass his guard and thought I was in a different position than I was and put my arm right in position for him. I stayed calm and was able to escape. I can't even say I learned a lesson because I have no idea why I did that.
He also swept me twice, had side control once, and almost mounted me. These were good lessons for me as I was trying different things and made mistakes. Over all it was a good workout.
I may train with him and his instructor at his their school tomorrow, but I'm not sure yet. I'm still babying my ribs and not sure if they can take a whole class of people jumping on them.
I hope to swim at lunch tomorrow.
Have a safe journey.
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